What is meant by the Investment Activity Report?
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What is meant by the Investment Activity Report?

Based on Article 1 paragraph 25 Regulation of the Investment Coordinating Board Number 6 of 2020 concerning Guidelines and Procedures for Controlling the Implementation of Investment, the Investment Activity Report, hereinafter abbreviated as LKPM, is a report on developments in the realization of Investment and problems faced by Business Actors that must be prepared and submitted periodically.


LKPM consists of:

  1. LKPM in the construction/construction stage for business activities that are not yet commercially producing/operating; and

  2. LKPM in the production/commercial operation stage for business activities that are already in commercial production/operation.


Business Actors are required to submit LKPM for each business sector and / or location. The submission of LKPM is carried out online and periodically through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system.


LKPM submission is not required for:

  1. Business actors with an investment value of up to Rp.50,000,000.00 (fifty million Rupiah); or

  2. Upstream oil and gas business, banking, non-bank financial institutions, and insurance.


Submission of LKPM refers to data on business licensing and/or licensing, including changes to data listed in the OSS system according to the current period.


LKPM submission is carried out with the following conditions:

  1. for Business Actors with an investment value of between Rp.50,000,000.00 (fifty million Rupiah) to Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million Rupiah) must submit LKPM every 6 (six) months (semesters);

  2. for Business Actors with an investment value of between Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million Rupiah) to Rp. 10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion Rupiah), must submit LKPM every 3 (three) months (quarter); and

  3. for Business Actors with an investment value of more than Rp.10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion Rupiah) are required to submit LKPM every 3 (three) months (quarterly).


The LKPM reporting period is submitted as follows:

  1. The quarter I report is submitted no later than the 10th of April of the year concerned;

  2. the second quarterly report is submitted no later than the 10th of July of the year concerned;

  3. the third quarterly report is submitted no later than the 10th of October of the year concerned; and

  4. the fourth quarterly report is submitted no later than the 10th of January of the following year.

Suria Nataadmadja & Associates Law Firm

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