A Seminar On “Acquisition From The Perspective of Indonesian Company Law and Capital Market Law”
From left: mr. Luthfy zain fuady, mrs. Retno s. Darussalam (partner of suria nataadmadja & associates), mr. Gunawan widjaya, mr. Partomuan pohan, mr. P. Heru tumbelaka (partner of suria nataadmadja & associates).
The enactment of the new law no. 40/2007 On limited liability companies (“company law”) brings several changes to the fundamental practice of the company in maintaining the stability of their business. Suria nataadmadja & associates as one of the law firm undertake the service in the scope of corporate law acknowledges that a deep understanding on this new law is necessarily needed. Therefore, on the 28th november of 2007, located in legian room, grand melia hotel, our law firm has successfully organized a one day seminar concerning “acquisition from the perspective of indonesian company law and capital market law”. As the topic indicates, this seminar is primarily focus on the acquisition from the perspectives of company law and the capital market regulations. This seminar presented experience guest speakers, from law expertise to a professional in their field. Mr. Gunawan widjaya, an experience legal academic in corporate law, begun the seminar with the presentation of the acquisition definition and types of acquisitions, then briefly explained the acquisition from banking, capital market, and anti monopoly and unfair business competition perspectives. Mr. Luthfy zain fuady, vice executive of the legislation and legal aid bureau of the bapepam-lk (“indonesian financial institution and capital market supervisory board”) carry on the discussion by brought up the matter of acquisition in public listed company pursuant to the indonesian capital market regulations. The first session closed with an explanation of company law and its interpretation in relation with the acquisition by mr. Partomuan pohan, a prominent notary and drafter member of the company law.
From left: Mr. Suria Nataadmadja, Mr. Yunus Husein, Mrs. Retno S. Darussalam, Mr. P. Heru Tumbelaka and Mr. Hikmahanto Juwana.
The second session of the seminar was opened by mr. Yunus husein, head of indonesian financial transaction report and analysis centre (ppatk). He delivers his presentation on the acquisition practice pursuant to the banking law and the practice of money laundering though corporate acquisition. Prof. Hikmahanto juwana, dean from law faculty, university of indonesia, gives final speech in the seminar and shared his thought concerning acquisition from contract law perspective amongst the parties. Finally, this seminar has set the forth a clear understanding of the acquisition in particular, and the changes occurred in the surrounding field by the enactment of the new indonesian company law. In contribution to the socialization of indonesian company law, our firm provides the english translation of company law to all seminar participants as complimentary.